


  • Albert Ahenkan, Prosper and Emmanuel K. Boon (2019). Integrating traditional and orthodox medical practices in healthcare delivery in developing countries: Lessons from Ghana, International Journal of Herbal Medicine, Vol7, Issue 6, 2019, pp23-30.


  • Ndangwa Noyoo and Emmanuel K. Boon (2018). Indigenous Social Security Systems in Southern and West Africa, Sun Media Publications, Johannesburg, South Africa.


  • Yadav Uprety, Hugo Asselin, Emmanuel Boon, Saroj Yadav, Krishna Shrestha, Indigenous Use and Bio-efficacy of Medicinal Plants in the Rasuwa District, Central Nepal, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2010, 6.3,


  • The Incidence of Malaria in Africa: A Case Study on Ghana, Emmanuel K. Boon and Esther Osei Poku, 2008.


  • Albert Ahenkan and Emmanuel K. Boon, Impact of Deforestation on Medicinal Plants in Ghana, 2008, online at


  • Comparative Study of Social Services in Africa: Case Study of South Africa and Ghana, Emmanuel K. Boon and Emmanuel Yeboah, 2006.