Our Partners



As a non-profit organisation, ICED works on public-benefit basis. Its major clients include the Government of Ghana through her Metropolitan/Municipal/District Assemblies (MMDAs) and Ministries such as Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD), Education, (MoE) Food and Agriculture (MoFA), etc. ICED also implements projects on behalf of governments of and international organisations such as the European Commission, the United Nations and the World Bank, and on behalf of private enterprises. ICED has established strong partnerships with both local and foreign organisations.

Local partners of ICED include Government Ministries, MMDAs, Universities, SNV-Ghana, the French Embassy in Ghana, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ghana, Akwaaba Limited, University of Ghana Business School (UGBS), Friends of the Earth Ghana (FoE-Gh) etc.

ICED’s foreign partners include Field Studies Council (UK), Cumbria Development Education Centre (UK), IIED (UK), Vrije Universiteit of Brussel (Belgium), Dredging International (Belgium), Government of the Flemish Community in Belgium, Fund for Development Cooperation (Belgium), Zee Kanaal NV (Belgium), Scheepvaert NV (Belgium), De Lijn (Belgium), Ecorem NV (Belgium), Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service (Germany), World Bank, European Commission, United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organisation (France), United Nations Volunteers Programme (Germany), Food and Agricultural Organisation (Italy), Ecorem N.V.(Belgium), Seniores Italia (Italy), Canadian International Development Agency, Canadian Bureau for International Education (BIE).

 Community Empowering Movement for a Responsive Society (CEMREST) VZW, Belgium

Responsive Society (CEMREST), Cameroon

Chairperson: Mr. Elvis A. Amingwa

Molyko Buea. Fako Division. 

South West Region. Cameroon

Tel +237 677 51 36 33




Jappaleh Foundation Africa

Mr. Modibo Taal (president)

Tel. +220 7030024

E-mail: modibo.taal@jappalehfundation.com

Women’s Integrated Development Organisation (WIDO)

Post Office Box 65

Kaleo, Nadowli/Kaleo District

Upper West Region, Ghana

Tel.: +233 207 504 005; +233 241 622 000

Email: women_integrated@yahoo.com

Facebook: @widoghana

Sumy State University is a higher education institution in Sumy, Ukraine. It has about 12,000 students studying prebachelor, bachelor, specialist and master degrees in 55 majors and 23 fields.[1] About 1,900 foreign students represent almost 50 countries worldwide.