Deploying the Circular Economy Approach

Deploying the Circular Economy Approach

In this era of rapid global environmental change, it is necessary to judiciously use natural resources in order to sustain the increasing population in Ghana and SSA in general. The circular economy (CE) approach has been central in sustainable development and livelihood transformation in the European Union (EU) and several developed countries. Through extensive research, ICED has discovered several entry points in the deployment of CE in SSA countries. It therefore seeks to promote the deployment of this approach in various economic sectors like agriculture and industry in SSA and Ghana. CE has great potential to improve principal agricultural value chains in SSA countries through the principles of reuse, recycling, reduce and repair of resources. CE will help SSA countries to harness maximum benefits from agriculture by limiting food loss and waste. Strengthening agriculture value chains should be inclusive and beneficial to vulnerable groups, especially women and the physically challenged. ICED also seeks to promote the participation of public and private sector companies in the application of CE. For example, collaboration among industries in most SSA countries in terms of waste management and utilization is insignificant. The deployment of CEM in industrial waste management can create jobs and generate substantial environmental benefits.