ICED’s past activities and contribution to sustainable development have been realised in three main areas: research, capacity building and provision of extension services.


Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security

  • Sustainable Food Production, Income Generation and Poverty Reduction in Ghana (SIP), financed by the Social Fund of the Food Industry of Belgium, 2004-2008.
  • Sustainable Food Production, Income Generation and Poverty Reduction though Modernised Guinea-fowl and Pig Production in the Upper West Region funded by FARMER Project (CIDA), 2004-2006.
  • A Sustainable Approach to Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Human Development in Ghana: Non-Timber Forest Resources Farming (NTFRF) in the Sefwi Wiawso District in the Western Region of Ghana, financed by Canada Fund for Local Initiative (CFLI) of CIDA.
  • Enhanced Guinea Fowl Production in the Three Northern Regions in Ghana, Project Number TCO/GH 133, financed by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), 2011 – 2012.
  • Promoting Agriculture, Poverty Reduction and Livelihood Improvement in Ghana (SAPRELIG or SIP 2) Phase II, Financed by the Social Fund of the Food Industry of Belgium, 2008 – 2012



  • Member of VUB ICT4D Consulting Team, Monitoring the Deployment of the Project “e-Learning for 240 Senior High Schools in Ghana”, co-financed by Belgian Federal Government and the Government of Ghana, 2016-2018.
  • Increased Access of Boys and Girls to Quality Education in Deprived Education Areas of Upper West Region Through Improved Education Management, Wa West District, funded by the Netherlands Development Authority (SNV), Upper West Portfolio, Wa, from 2010-2011.
  • Improved Governance and Resource Mobilisation for Effective Management of Education Sector in the Districts and Enhancement of Access to Quality Education by Boys and Girls, funded by the Netherlands Development Authority (SNV), Upper West Portfolio, Wa, from 2010-2011.
  • Ghana School Feeding Programme: Independent Civil Society Organisation Monitoring and Evaluation (ICSO-M&E), financed by the Netherlands Development Authority (SNV), Upper West Portfolio, Wa, from 2011-2012.
  • From Poverty to Prosperity Project (P2P), in partnership with the Field Studies Council of the United Kingdom, financed by the European Union, 2008 -2011.
  • Support for Basic Education in Lambussie in the Upper West Region of Ghana, financed by the Government of the Flemish Community of Belgium, from 2008-2010.
  • Support for Basic Education in Sui and Wli in the Sefwi Wiawso and Hohoe Districts in the Western and Volta Regions of Ghana, financed by the Government of the Flemish Community of Belgium, from 2007-2009.
  • Support for Basic Education in Sui and Wli Communities in Sefwi Wiawso and Hohoe Districts in Ghana funded by the Flemish Community Government of Belgium, 2006-2009.
  • Global Literacy for a Fairer World!, funded by the European Commission, 2011-2014.
  • Establishment of a Computer Laboratory for Piina Senior High School, Lambussie-Karni District, Upper West Region, with the support of Zee Kanaal and FOS of Belgium, 2011-2012.
  • Establishment of a Computer Laboratory for Badu Senior High School, Tain District, Brong Agafo Region, with the support of Zee Kanaal, Belgium, 2016-2017


  • Environmental Management
  • Enforcement and Governance for Sustainable Forest Management (CoSoPFLEG) Project, financed by the European Union, 2014 t0 2017.
  • Improving Forest Governance through Community Based Participation and Community Based Management Systems (FLEGT), funded by ACP-EU and FAO, January – December 2012.
  • Project on Environmental Impact Assessment Field Work on Coastal Protection Project at Ada Foah in Ghana, in cooperation with Ecorem Company, Aarteselaar, Belgium, November to December 2008.
  • Environmental Information and Education Centre and Forest Conservation Tracks in Sui, Ghana”, Groenhart Vzw, Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests, (Project Number: 114-2005).
  • Environmental Management Capacity Building for the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority and Relevant Stakeholders in Ghana, funded by the Flemish Community of Belgium, Project Number VLL21 / MEKOINK1, 2004.
  • Assessment of the State of the Environment and Management of National/ Natural Parks and Reserves in Ghana and the Production of Environmental Education and Eco-tourism Documentary Films, first phase from 28 November-15 December 2005. Financed by United Nations Volunteer Programme and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Seniores Italia, Rome, Italy.



  • Donated one Ambulance to Lambussie Health Centre in the Lambussie-Karni District, 2010
  • Donated one Ambulance to Karni Health Centre in the Lambussie-Karni District, 2010
  • Donated Medical Drugs and Kits to Sefwi Wiawso Hospital, Western Region of Ghana, 2006.
  • Establishment of Wli Health Centre in the Hohoe District of the Volta Region of Ghana, financed by the Government of the Flemish Community of Belgium, 2005-2006.

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation

  • Provision of Drinking Water to Aduprie Community in Bibiani-Bekwai District, Western Region, 2011
  • Provision of Drinking Water to Piina Senior High School and Cluster of Basic Schools, Lambussie-Karni District, Upper West Region, 2011, financed by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to Ghana.
  • Provision of Drinking Water to Cluster of Basic Schools in Lambussie, Lambussie-Karni District, Upper West Region, 2010, financed by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to Ghana.
  • Provision of Drinking Water, Hygiene and Sanitation to Oyarifa and Akyem Gyadam Townships in the Greater Accra and Eastern Regions of Ghana, financed by the Government of the Flemish Community of Belgium, from 2009-2011.
  • Provision of Drinking Water, Hygiene and Sanitation to Ahwia, Laribanga and Wiawso Township in the Western and Northern Regions of Ghana, financed by the Government of the Flemish Community of Belgium, from 2008 -2010.
  • Provision of Potable Water to the Wli Communities in the Hohoe District, Volta Region, financed by the Government of the Flemish Community of Belgium, 2006-2009.
  • Provision of Drinking Water, Hygiene and Sanitation to Karni in the Upper West Region of Ghana, financed by the Government of the Flemish Community of Belgium, from 2010 -2012.
  • Provision of Drinking Water and Improvement of Hygiene and Sanitation Conditions in Akim Ayirebi, Nandom Senior High School and Samuo, financed by the Flemish Government of Belgium and the Flemish Water Partnership Water for Development, 2012 – 2014.
  • Provision of Drinking Water, Hygiene and Sanitation in Sefwi Wiawaso Nurses Training College and Senior High Technical School and Ada Foah, Ghana, 2012 – 2015.