Environmental Management

Environmental Management
• Ahenkan, A., Suleiman, N., & Boon, E. K. (2020). Small-scale mining and sustainable rurality in the Atiwa District of Ghana. The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 15(4), 58–80.

• Albert Ahenkan, David Nawiene Chutab & Emmanuel Kwesi Boon (2020). Mainstreaming climate change adaptation into pro-poor development initiatives: evidence from local economic development programmes in Ghana, Climate and Development, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2020.1844611.

• Emmanuel K. Boon (2019). Urban Environmental Health Management Challenges and Prospects in Ghana: A Case Study of the Accra Metropolis, Journal of Human Ecology, 65 (1-3): 26-40 (2029).

• Albert Ahenkan, Alice Anima Aboagye and Emmanuel Kwesi Boon (2018). Corporate environmentalism: an assessment of sustainability reporting among firms in Ghana, International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, Vol. 21, Nos 5/6, 2018.

• Emmanuel K. Boon and Albert Ahenkan (2018). Africa and Environmental Health Trends, in “Oxford Textbook of Nature and Public Health: The Role of Nature in Improving the Health of a Population”, (Edited by Matilda van den Bosche and William Bird), Oxford University Press, UK, 2018.

• Olulu, M. Chieng and Boon, E.K (2011). Environmental Mainstreaming in Development Policy and Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of Kenya. In Experiences of Climate Change Adaption in Africa, Leal Filho, Walter (Ed.) Springer Verlag: Berlin.

• Emmanuel K. Boon, Luc Hens and Gonzalo Oviedo (Editors), Management of National Parks and Biodiversity Conservation in Africa, Kamla-Raj, New Delhi, 2011.

• Albert Ahenkan and Emmanuel Boon, Improving the Supply Chain of Non-timber Forest Products in Ghana, in Supply Chain Management – New Perspectives (Editor, Sanda Renko), InTech, Croatia, August 2011.

• Emmanuel K. Boon, Bob Baduon and Albert Ahenkan, Assessment of Forest Resources Policy and Management in Ghana, 2009.

• Ahenkan, A. and Boon, E., Commercialization of non-timber forest products in Ghana: processing, packaging and marketing, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol 8 (2): 962-969, April 2010, WFL Publisher, Science and Technology, Helsinki, Finland.

• Emmanuel K. Boon and Belinda Cobb, The Northern Floods: Root Causes and Impacts on Human Development, 2009.

• Emmanuel K. Boon and Frederick Ababio, Corporate Social Responsibility in Ghana: Lessons from the Mining Sector, 2009.

• Emmanuel K. Boon, Dorcas Mbuvi and Fredrick Ababio, Management of Natural Resources in Ghana: A Case Study of the Mining Sector in Ghana, 2008.

• Energy Delivery and Utilisation for Rural Development: Lessons from Northern Ghana, by Stephan Kankam and Emmanuel K. Boon, 2008.

• Emmanuel K. Boon and Maame Serwaah, Integrating Women in Environment and Development, 2006.

• Conservation and Management of Biodiversity in West Africa, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, EOLSS Publishers Ltd., Oxford, Emmanuel Boon and Albert Ahenkan, 2007.