Vision, Mission and Objectives

ICED’s Vision, Mission and Objectives

The vision of ICED is to be an active contributor to the sustainable development of Ghana and SSA. To realise its vision, ICED is committed to contribute to improve food security and the livelihoods of the population of Ghana and SSA by engaging in participatory action research, relevant capacity building programmes and delivery of extension and advisory services to individuals and development stakeholders.

In pursuit of its vision and mission, ICED aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • To assist and support the improvement of the environment of small and medium scale enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
  • To provide advisory services for the creation, development and promotion of entrepreneurship for contributing to the sustainable development process in the region.
  • To assist enterprises to increase their efficiency in the international market, especially via the provision of relevant information and training in trade development and promotion, business partnerships and networks.
  • To facilitate gender empowerment in the region.
  • To organise capacity building and utilisation programmes and provide services that significantly contribute to improve the quality of life in the region.